What does Monadnock Retirement Solutions, LLC. do?

We deal with the financial matters that will affect your life now and in the future. All the different services we offer from life insurance, Medicare health insurance, Social Security and investment assets all deal with retirement solutions that will affect your retirement. To purchase any of these without looking at the big picture of your retirement plan is not recommended because it's piecemeal and not looking at the big picture with the goal in mind. Therefore, I recommend a full comprehensive retirement plan for anyone over 40 years old.


How is a financial planning advisor different from an investment advisor? Investment planning is having the focus primarily on the assets or the money in your 401K or IRA. Most advisors will set up a portfolio of funds or investments for the money and the good ones will check on it once or twice a year and adjust them as needed. This is what I would call the money gathering process where the client and advisor are trying to gather in the moneys and make them grow.


Financial planning for retirement is more comprehensive in that it’s about planning on the use and I hope enjoyment of the assets. It includes looking at the investment assets, plus all other assets including artwork, antiques and collectibles, real estate, Bitcoin, and your home. Anything of value. Many of these will generate income for you along with Social Security, pensions, and other assets. And then there are the expenses, Medicare, housing, traveling, Hobbies, Etc. We look at how the monies will flow in and out along with the unforeseen possibilities that will affect them including but not limited to inflation, changes to the rate of return, declining health, and Black Swan events. This deals with life itself. What we achieve is a comprehensive cash flow analysis which as you can see is different than just invest money.