Serving Business Owners


Start with the end in mind.

Many small business owners believe they will be passing their company onto the next generation. Or perhaps your plan is to sell your business and retire off the proceeds.

Your dream requires a lot of planning!

As you know, many small business owners fail to do this necessary planning. And your dreams can fail — along with your hard-earned equity and savings.

That’s why I recommend starting early with the end in mind. Start your planning today — call me at 603-491-4092.

Do you tend to procrastinate — like most people?

Small business owners have very good ideas for retirement. But for some reason you never get the hard work of planning done. My job is to get your retirement plans done for you. And soon.

Does your advisor team have a quarterback?

Many small business owners have a number of good advisors. They have a CPA, an insurance guy, a banker, an investment guy, and a lawyer. But do you have someone who specializes in helping people get their plan done?


“The problem is all your advisors tend to work in a silo. Only focusing on their area of expertise. What I do is become the advisor of your advisors. Consider me your “Tom Brady” running your dream team of advisors working toward your long term goals of winning.

I may not be Tom Brady, but for retirement planning, I come pretty close. Call me, Tom Villeneuve, at (603)491-4092 to see how I can help you.

You deserve a full game plan approach!

you can end-up debt free, with enough money to get through retirement — with my help.


Since 2008 I have taught retirement and estate planning. And have worked with many small business owners — like yourself — helping them to come up with their own full game plan, not just one play at a time.

I understand the issues, challenges, and demands small business owners face, I am one myself. I know how to protect your family and your dreams.
